Sunday, December 16, 2012

Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 solutions for 2D and 3D design

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AutoCAD 2013 - is one of the leading solutions for two-and three-dimensional design, which allows to develop complex projects and produce high-quality supporting documentation to them. AutoCAD modeling tools allow you to design all objects and surfaces. The new version of AutoCAD 2013 provides a means of creating sections and detail view, strikeout text input, sync files from Autodesk 360, communication via social networking, file import Inventor, recovery curves of the surface, and many others.

Program AutoCAD 2013 is certified to work on Windows 7 and supported on Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate, Windows Vista and Windows XP. Effective means of documentation in AutoCAD Release 2013 cover all stages of the project. Automation functions, data management and editing perform standard operations. Parametric drawings help to reduce the scan time projects due to the convenient location of all information.

Design features:

  • Extraction curves of the surfaces - getting curves, contours passing through, which is listed on the face or body surface.
  • Extrusion and displacement curves with a tool to create PressPull surfaces and solids. Multiple option in the tool PressPull lets you select multiple objects to a single operation.
  • Integration with Autodesk SketchBook Designer - SketchBook Designer functions are accessible directly from within AutoCAD, allowing you to create illustrations and drawings, and perform various manipulations with them.
  • Three-dimensional modeling of arbitrary shapes - create complex shapes simply move the faces, edges and vertices. Modeling tools surfaces, solids and networks provide maximum flexibility and control when designing in 3D.
  • Help novice users - custom workspace contains optimized set of 3D-modeling and visualization, as well as the most necessary tools.
  • Support for point clouds - modeling on the results of three-dimensional scanning to optimize the time-consuming renovation and restoration projects. Supports up to 2 billion points enables fast surface rendering scanned objects and bind to them directly in the workspace for modeling.
  • Analysis of the integrity of the connection surfaces.
  • Management viewport in the work area - Change the viewport, setting types and visual styles directly in the screen space.
  • Creating associative arrays - the formation of an array of objects in three dimensions.
  • Manipulation user coordinate system - change the current UCS: moving the origin, axis alignment on objects, rotate the coordinate system relative to the axes X, Y and Z.

The functions of the documentation:

  • Create sections and detail view - for the sections provides the following options: full, half, step and broken. Border detail view can be round or rectangular. Binding section lines and boundaries of initial fragments to the characteristic points of drawings supports precision when the model changes and species.
  • Strikeout text input - using strikethrough style in multiline text multileaders sizes, tables, and text along an arc.
  • Preview by changing types - dynamic view changes the image in the viewport.
  • A quick search of the contents of the project file objects - Autodesk Content Browser creates a searchable index data based on user-defined criteria.
  • Automatic production of documentation - generate documentation for AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, and other products imported models Solidworks, Pro / ENGINEER, CATIA, Rhino, and NX.
  • Installation and maintenance of relationships between the elements of the array - the grouping of objects along a specified path.
  • Creating transitions - generate splines, in which the transition between the curves is smooth or tangentially.
  • Copying array - Create linear non-associative arrays.
  • Removing duplicate objects - Automatic Purge of excess and unnecessary geometry.
  • Training using Autodesk Exchange - access to useful tips and tutorials, videos for beginners, downloadable add-ins and reference materials directly from the workspace AutoCAD.
  • Hatch and Gradient - preview hatch increased opportunities to work with handles, add background colors, moving objects with a hatch on the back burner.
  • The use of transparency to layers, blocks and objects.
  • Control splines - adding and removing nodes, edit and control points defining vertices added break points and indication of the degree of approximation of the curve.
  • Annotation Scaling - to create a single annotation, automatically receiving the scale of a viewport or model space.
  • Create Sheet Set - organization of sheets of drawings, publishing, automatic creation of the sheets, the transfer of data from the filings in the major labels and stamps.
  • Creating and editing Multileaders.

Functions workflow:

  • Communication with Autodesk Cloud - drawings and folders synchronized with the online options that are stored in the cloud.
  • Importing files Inventor - flexible editing and validation of models coming from different sources.
  • Exchange of information through social networks - a joint project evaluation in social networks Facebook and Twitter.
  • Support format PDF - font support TrueType, the Import and insertion substrates, and powerful publishing capabilities.
  • A drawing from mobile devices and over the Internet through the application AutoCAD WS.
  • Converting DWG - conversion (including batch) in the Release 14, 2000, 2004, 2007 and 2010.
  • Access to library materials - working with hundreds of visually rich standard material surfaces.
  • 3D-printing of models AutoCAD - Requires a 3D-printer.

Adaptation function:
  • Synchronization adapted and supporting files
  • Opportunity to extend the functionality of AutoCAD by related applications developed network members Autodesk Developer Network.
  • Transfer of developments in AutoCAD 2013.
  • The development of specialized software for computer aided design.
  • Customize and extend the interface feeds.
  • Access to the network of developers Autodesk Developer Network.
  • Automation of routine tasks by writing operations.
Related link:
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